Initiative Petition 31 (IP 31) reinforces the requirement that all tax increase legislation must receive a 3/5th supermajority vote from the Oregon legislature in order to be passed into law. This law has saved Oregon businesses and individuals billions in additional taxes over the past 20 years, but sadly, the legislature has begun to fund loopholes to get around this requirement.
In order to be placed on the November ballot, IP 31 must get over 117,000 valid signatures from Oregon voters.
As of today, the grassroots campaign to support IP 31 has now secured the minimum number of signatures required for the ballot. From this point on, signatures that are gathered will help overcome duplicates and any others ruled invalid through the sampling and validation process.
This is where Chambers of Commerce come in. We can get IP 31 across the finish line!
While momentum for IP 31 is growing, it still needs your help to ensure that it collects more than enough signatures to qualify for the ballot. The IP 31 signature goal is 175,000 signatures in time for the July 6th signature deadline.
If your Chamber has not yet sent out an email blast to members encouraging them to take action and sign the petition, now is the time!
There are three ways you can support our signature gathering campaign:
- Collect single signatures: Go to to download your personal petition. Print it, sign it and return it.
- Download a signature gathering packet to collect multiple signatures: Petition signature sheets and instructions for gathering multiple signatures are linked here.
- Send an email to your members urging them to sign the petition: A sample email template is attached.
P.S. The IP 31 coalition, to date, includes, Defeat the Tax on Oregon Sales Coalition, Oregon Association of Realtors, Oregon Business & Industry, Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Association, Associated General Contractors, Oregon Trucking Association, Oregon Auto Dealers Association, Oregon Beverage Association, Oregon Forest Industries Council, Oregon Home Builders Association, and NW Food Processors Association.