As you know, we continue to believe that Cap & Trade is the most challenging legislative and economic threat to our local business communities in 2019.
In preparation for the upcoming 2019 legislative debate on Cap & Trade, OSCC and other partner associations are officially launching Partnership for Oregon Communities, a grassroots coalition committed to enacting policies that increase the financial security of Oregonians and protections for our environment. It is comprised of farmers, employers, and community leaders from around the state. The principal aim of the coalition is to push back against Cap & Trade legislation in 2019.
OSCC is a founding member of the Partnership for Oregon Communities coalition, and now we are asking for each and every chamber of commerce across Oregon to enlist as members of the coalition.
To date, the members of Partnership for Oregon Communities include: OSCC, the Oregon Farm Bureau, Oregon Dairy Farmers Association, Oregon Cattlemen Association, and the Oregon Manufacturers and Commerce Association.
We believe it's important for local chambers to enlist in and endorse the Partnership for Oregon Communities to show that Cap & Trade is a major concern to our local communities throughout the state.
To enlist as a coalition member, please let Jenny Dresler or Jessica Chambers know that your chamber agrees to be listed as a member of the coalition.
If you have any question about BI, please don't hesitate to ask. This will be THE vital business-led coalition in the Cap & Trade debate in the 2019 legislature.
Attached, please find our one-pager for the upcoming Cap & Trade debate. You can even take a sneak peek here website URL