OSCC is pleased to announce that the Board of Directors has approved the 2018 Legislative Agenda. View agenda
For 2018, OSCC requests that the Oregon legislature stay true to the intent of the short session by keeping focused on limited policy discussions and budget/policy adjustments stemming from the 2017 legislative session.
“OSCC’s Legislative Agenda gives a voice to the business community,” said Colene Martin, 2018 OSCC Board Chair. “These priorities will help ensure a healthy business climate and allow Oregon’s economy to grow.”
The 2018 Legislative Session convenes on February 5, 2018. This is a fast-moving session with quick deadlines. We will be updating you in the coming weeks on legislation as it is introduced.
Chambers are encouraged to adopt these priorities as part of their own legislative agenda. OSCC’s positions are strengthened as local chambers adopt the agenda, which allows for greater effectiveness during the 2018 Session. Please contact Jessica Chambers if your chamber adopts these priorities.