• Oregon Revenue Forecast Shows Continued Revenue Growth

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    The quarterly revenue forecast was released today by the Oregon State Economist. 

    State Revenues continue to climb. Here are the key numbers:
    • Revenue for the current budget cycle (2017-2019) has been revised UP by $59.5 million since the last quarterly forecast
    • Revenue for the current budget cycle (2017-2019) is now over $1.1 billion MORE than was anticipated when the 2017 legislature adopted the current budget.
    • Revenue for the next budget cycle (2019-2021) is projected to increase by another $136 million. As of now, the next legislature will have $23.931 billion in General Fund Revenues to budget. This is up substantially from the $21.4 billion current budget.
    • There will be a major "Kicker" rebate of $724 million to individual taxpayers next year.
    • The State will have a total of over $2.5 billion in reserve funds.