• Protect small business from crime damaging our communities

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    Oregon has become too soft and tolerant of crime, and it hurts our local business communities. More thefts and property crimes can leave its mark on small businesses and our communities. Beyond the immediate loss of goods or property, these crimes lead to increased insurance premiums, repair costs, and lost business sales. Even a single incident can be a significant setback.

    But more than that, rising crime creates an environment of fear and insecurity. Business owners, employees, and customers deserve to feel safe in their communities. Increasing crime erodes trust and leads to less foot traffic and fewer customers.

    If we want to attract entrepreneurs, encourage investment and restore vitality to our downtowns, we must take a proactive stand to restore accountability and deter crime in our communities. The Defend Small Business PAC wants to send a clear message - we are dedicated to creating a positive climate for businesses to thrive, providing economic growth and job creation for our communities.

    Your support is crucial in this fight. Small businesses depend on champions who will stand up for them. Small donations make a big difference in our ability to fight harmful policy.

    Will you stand with us?


    Defend Small Business PAC
    The Defend Small Business PAC 
    (PAC 17474) - the PAC of the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce - helps protect, preserve and foster a political environment that will strengthen local businesses, their employees, their communities, and the private enterprise system.