• Leaders reveal their true priorities with actions

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    There are a lot of polls and survey findings during an election year, but here is one that should cause alarm. In a survey taken last year of Oregon’s small business employers, only 18% believe that state lawmakers care about the success of their businesses.

    How is it that more than 80% of small businesses think Oregon’s leaders don’t care? Unfortunately, that’s what they have been saying this with their policies for decades.

    Here’s one example.

    In 2016, Measure 97 was presented to Oregon’s voters. It proposed a gross receipts tax that would have generated $6 billion every two years from businesses doing more than $25 million in annual sales in an effort to curb declining state revenues. At the time, it was the largest tax increase proposal in Oregon’s history. The measure was overwhelmingly rejected by 59% of voters. The business community breathed a sigh of relief.

    But just two years later, legislators introduced a bill that was eerily similar. Packaged as a school funding bill, HB 3427 implemented a corporate activity tax (CAT) on businesses with more than $1 million in sales and expected to bring in $1 billion in revenue each year. When the bill passed along party lines, its supporters celebrated, calling it “historic”.

    The actions of our elected leaders speak louder than their pro-business soundbites. When legislators pass a bill creating a massive business tax that voters rejected just a few years earlier, we cannot be surprised when small employers express a lack of faith in this leadership. 

    The Defend Small Business PAC believes our leadership needs to focus on creating an environment that allows small business success to drive economic growth. This won’t happen without electing small business champions. Small donations make a big difference in our ability to fight.

    Will you stand with us?


    Defend Small Business PAC
    The Defend Small Business PAC 
    (PAC 17474) - the PAC of the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce - helps protect, preserve and foster a political environment that will strengthen local businesses, their employees, their communities, and the private enterprise system.